

2020 has been nothing short of a dumpster fire.

To say it has had an impact on my mental health would be a drastic understatement.

I know I am not alone in that.

I know it has been hard, not only that but it has been hard for days, weeks, maybe months.

Maybe it seems like you literally can't catch your breathe, not a single break from the overwhelming parts of life.

Seasons of all emotions, which normally come and go but it seems during 2020, all these seasons have meshed together.

All of sudden "taking it day by day" seems too overwhelming.

2020 has seemed to cram in months of shit into 24 hours, it's like it has broken the concept of time. Everything feels like it's going in slow motion all while flying by.

It's confusing. It's weird. It's A LOT. A lot of emotions, a lot to process, a lot to handle.

Feeling your emotions isn't a bad thing though.

I once watched a series about emotions and learned something that will forever change the way I look at them. The person said.. "When you are feeling an emotion, never say I am _____. Say, a part of me is feeling _____." So simple but so powerful.

I never thought of it that way.

When we feel sad, lonely, whatever it is, we are feeling that temporary emotion, but that is not who we are.

Not only are we feeling that, only part of us is feeling it. Just because I may be sad, doesn't invalidate the fact that I may be happy or grateful at that same time. Because part of me is feeling sad. Not all of me, I am not an all encompassing ball of sadness. There is much more to me than that.

I am not my emotions.

You are not your emotions either.

You know what you are though, every part of you..

You are worthy.

You are loved.

You are valued.

You are needed.

You are important.

You are strong.

You are deserving of good things.

So remember, even on your worst day, even when you have been stuck in a season of _____ (whatever emotion applies), you are still all of these things.

The emotions don't take place of the things that you are and the things you will always remain being.

Keep your chin up, remind yourself of what you are, you deserve it.

Guest article written by Paige Boxley, Flourishing Mind Blog

Ashton Boswell